Lovage Root

  • While the leaves of the lovage plant are often added to soups and salads, lovage roots have also long been used by herbalists and traditional medicine practitioners to create a range of herbal remedies.
  • Because lovage root is high in vitamin K, vitamin C and calcium, adding it to your diet as a supplement will increase your daily intake of these vital nutrients. The roots also contain potassium and magnesium, which is why many vegans and vegetarians add boiled, sauteed or fried lovage to many dishes.
  • Our lovage root containts the specially prepared roots, rhizome and underground stems of the lovage plant, ready for you to use to prepare your own infusions or tinctures, or simply to add to your meals.
  • 100% natural
  • We strongly believe that the higher quality a product, the more benefits it brings - because it's loaded with the right substances. That's why we search around the world for the finest produce.

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