Keemun Black Tea

  • Keemun black tea, also known as Hao Ya tea is a superb Chinese tea which is enjoyed the whole world over. In fact, you may have experienced this tea before in one of a dozen popular tea blends.
  • This loose leaf tea was grown in China’s Qimen county, part of the tea producing Anhui province. Like all our teas, Keemun Black tea has been grown, picked and packed by artisanal farmers.
  • Keemun black tea is a light, black tea which can be enjoyed any time of the day. A slightly smoky aroma and malty taste, backed by floral notes, make it a joy for anyone who’ll take the time to savour a cup.
  • While Keemun is enjoyed all over the world, this tea is especially loved by the British, who have made it a key part of their famed English Breakfast Tea blends.
  • If you’re looking for a robust, flavourful tea that’ll have you dreaming of the yellow mountains, you’ve found the tea for you. Make sure you order today!

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