High Mountain

  • Our Taiwan High Mountain Oolong Tea is loved around the world for its soft bouquet of aromas, buttery undertone and silky sweet flavours. This tea will refresh even the busiest drinker on the most hectic day!
  • Taiwanese Oolongs are praised for their green, fresh and crisp tastes, and our High Mountain Oolong is no different. Once brewed, this tea is sweet and light enough for beginners, but with hidden depths that even a true tea connoisseur will appreciate.
  • We source our teas directly from artisan farms. Our High Mountain Oolong is taken directly from a farm in Taiwan, and the care and attention of the artisan tea masters can be tasted in each sip.
  • After picking, each tea leaf is carefully rolled into a pellet – ensuring that the cup you drink is full of fresh, vibrant flavours.
  • This tea is the work of Valley of Tea – a premium tea importer dedicated to spread the love of artisan teas.

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